Words without Borders; The Home of International Literature

Words without Borders; The Home of International Literature
Check out an interview with Rwandan Writer Scholastique Mukasonga

Monday, August 6, 2012

Lest We Forget; The Atomic Bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

* Painting- “People in the open, exposed to flash burns from the immediate explosion, became known as 'the procession of ghosts.' Here the artist explains that 'to prevent their red, exposed flesh from sticking, people thrust their arms in front of them like ghosts. Their skin, like the thin skin of a peeled potato, hung from the fingernails, where it was still attached.'” By Matsumura Kazuo, 32 years old in August 1945
U.S./Japan Creative Artists Program

The Japan U.S. Friendship Commission offers leading contemporary and traditional artists from the United States the opportunity to spend three months in Japan through the U.S./Japan Creative Artists Prog...
ram. Cultural understanding is at the heart of this program. Artists go as seekers, as cultural visionaries, and as living liaisons to the traditional and contemporary cultural life of Japan. They also go as connectors who share knowledge and bring back knowledge. Their interaction with the Japanese public and the outlook they bring home provide exceptional opportunities to promote cultural understanding between the United States and Japan.

For more information:

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